
Friday, August 5, 2016

July 25, 2016

My beloved Family,

How is everything over there in California? I heard that its pretty sunny haha here its pretty cold right now. Some days this week it has been raining and its weird because usually it never rains but when it rains the streets are a mess and their are water every where. The cars go so fast when it rains its pretty scary but everything is good. 

The week went by really fast and changes are next week. Some of my good friends go home this week and its my last change in the mission. Next week I will be officially the oldest in the mission which is weird to think about.

I'm not quite sure if I told you about the experience I had last week with our baptism. I have never had a baptism like this one where a blind husband baptizes her wife. This week was such a moving week for me and my companion. We have felt the spirit of the Lord especially at last weeks baptism. We have had a sister that did not want to get baptized because she had a lot of resentment of the many things her husband had done to her. They have been together for 43 years and in this time they have struggled so much. We taught her for some time and finally she accepted to be baptized. When she took that step to follow Jesus Christ, her life has changed. Every time we go doesn't matter what she is doing she stops and listens to us. Her husband and her still struggle but she feels happy with her life and she SMILES. We were so surprise to know that she didn't feel all that weight on top of her. She also has told us that every time she reads her book of Mormon she has a burning inside which makes her want to read more and more. I'm so grateful to be able to help her husband in the ordinance of baptism to baptize his wife.

I'm thankful that the Lord has revealed that Families can be together forever and that we have prophets to guide us in these latter days. I Know that the great Jehovah came upon this earth and suffered the atonement submitting himself to the Will of the Father. I'm grateful and thank him. I love you guys and will talk to you next week.

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