
Thursday, July 28, 2016

July 18, 2016

Dear Beloved Family,

The Savior once answered to a question that the Pharisees asked him,

"36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

The pharisees hearing this were surprised of his answer and were puzzled. I have come to know here in the mission that if you don't truly love those you serve, you will never be able to help them....This week I have come upon a lot of reflection on things I have not been doing as a zone leader. On Saturday I had the opportunity to pray and kneel with my companion to ask for help from the heavens. After working all day yesterday we might have started to think that the prayer and the diligence we put was not heard but during the night through revelation of another missionary, he told us some feelings of some thins were missing in the zone. At first we brushed it off but then the spirit worked with us to make us understand that we need to love more the missionaries and we need to uplift them to work with their hearts.

We have thought repetitively of things we are going to change this week to help the zone and a lot of ideas have came to our mind. We are full of gratitude for the revelation we have gotten from the Lord to help us become better leaders. We are going to be their servants and we will do everything we can to serve them this week. We are going to do a lot of work visits and it will be to uplift their hearts and rejoice with them in this battle between good and evil. I know that God talks today and he will always talk not that he has talked but that he still talks among us. Their is a scripture i truly love in Doctrine and Covenants 84:88 "And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up." I have experimented this many times in the mission and have felt how the angles themselves lift us up and feel the spirit flow through my body. I thank the lord for opening my eyes and seeing the things clearly again. I know that this change we are going to do is going to give a lot results. Me and my companion are focused completely on having the missionaries have a conversion to the Lord and his atoning sacrifice. I testify that the Atonement is infinite and everlasting for all of those who come to him and repent. I know that the savior is Prince of Peace, Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, and the Everlasting Father. Just how Isaiah gave testimony of him. I also bear witness that he lives and loves us. He is truly the Perfect Redeemer that has come to earth and has willingly given up his life to save us all. I thank my father every day and for the family which he has given me. I thank him for the many blessings I have received from him and now I know that I will be eternally in dept with him. Thanks for all your support and will see how this week goes.

Talk to you soon. Love you guys forever...

Elder Parra

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