
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

July 4, 2016

Dear Family,

How are you guys doing? Hows the summer time over there while over here its winter? hahaha well this week was one of my good weeks in the mission. We found so many people to teach and we found so many references. Really it was amazing to be able to teach so many people at the same time. I really felt like how it says in the scriptures that the fame of the Lord spread about and everyone came to hear. We have taught a lot of groups this week....where little by little more people get close to hear while we are teaching. This week has motivated me to know that the spirits inside the people are begging to hear our message...they want to change, they are asking for help but their natural man hates hearing us and he really doesn't care. Something I have learned is that Satan doesn't have rules he invites everyone to do the opposite. He is the master of lies, illusion, and trickery. He isn't even loyal to his own servants that follow him. It says that is the last day he will not even thank them for their help.

Here in Peru their are a lot of people that live their lives without a direction and without rules. They live how they want and think that there will be no consequences. That was also one of the things Satan bargained in the pre mortal world. He wanted that there would be no consequences to the actions we take. I have learned that Gods Almighty laws and judgments are higher than ours in many ways those laws are what governs the whole universe and its what keeps everything in harmony. His laws are truly sacred and full of protection. There is a scripture in Doctrine and Covenants 3:2

For God doth not walk in crooked paths, neither doth heturn to the right hand nor to the left, neither doth he vary from that which he hath said, therefore his paths are straight, and his course is one eternal round.

I know that this is true and he will never change. His laws are full of love and peace which will help us make it to the eternities. I know that he is perfect and that he is my father which loves me and cares for me. Just like Jesus Christ said: even if the skies and the earth shall pass my word shall never pass. I know that this will happen and it is happening today. I love you guys and thank you for always choosing to follow his laws so that our family can be full of love.

I cant wait to able to see him face to face and be able to know my savior Jesus Christ in his fullness but for now I must be Patient and keep doing good deeds.

PS: I had a dream about being home from my mission this week and it was really weird hahah not going to lie hahaha. But we will keep in touch till next week.

Elder Parra

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