
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

September 28, 2015

Hey hows it going? Thats crazy how in Like a week more i will have 13 months. Its ok though. Now I want the time to go by slower. Its pretty hard to talk in english haha. Hey but this week has been great. We saw a fight on the street and we saw a pigeon get run over. Its pretty sad how people are so aggresive here. Satan has their hearts really confound upon the things of the world. Thats why the missionaries exist. To take that cloud of darkness away from them. This week I have been thinking of you guys and of my investigators. We always see fights on the streets and people always tell us they rob over here and over there but the Lord really protects those who do his will.

I was writting one of my friends and I was telling him how I havent seen Television for a year now. Its crazy how now its normal for me not watch. Im so focused on the work and the people. I truly love the people and what I am doing. Im so gratefull that the Lord has given much but with that much is required.

This week I would like to write you a short story of a man we found that has a hard life. He has had 4 spillings of blood and 2 heart attacks. We have found him and taught him the plan of salvation. He is awesome and tries to talk and say even jokes. This week he wanted to go to church but he was sleeping when we went to go pick him up. We are hoping to have him go next week. Also he's said he wants to get baptized.

He is really an awesome person and he wants to do the things that the Lord wants him to do. We have been teaching his family. THe first time we went to teach him. Her wife said that other sisters have came to try to heal him. He was asking to go to the church and he wanted to be healed through his actions. I know that was testimony to know that when people act or want to act they can be healed by the power and blood of Christ our Savior. ITs everlasting and it will never end. I testify that his atonement is everlasting and I'm grateful that it is. Satan really tries to tempt us as missionaries and everyone here on earth.

I'm grateful that the Holy Ghost is there constantly and is a gift that God gives. I love what I am doing and I know its what the Lord wants from Me. I have been so close to him and in a righteous mindset. I have never seen so clearly the things in my life. I love you guys. Hope you have a good week.

Elder Parra

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