
Monday, June 15, 2015

June 15, 2015

Hey!!! Wow this week was intense. I cant believe so many things were happening. I cant believe I have 9 months in the mission. Wow time flies by. I only have 3 more months till I am a year here in Lima. I kind of want things to slow down to have more success and bring more people unto Christ but the time is literally against the missionaries. This past month, our mission as a whole baptized 192 people. The mission is getting smaller especially this coming transfer with 25 missionaries that are finishing. We basically have 200 missionaries.

We are having a lot of success in this mission. We are one of the best missions that is progressing a lot in all South America. All the mission presidents in the other missions are asking us what are we doing different or what are we doing to have such great success. Here in Peru a week we teach 32 lessons and we talk to 100 new people. Compared to other missions around the world. They only teach 20 or 15 in the US.

We are so blessed to have so many people to teach each day and to be excellent missionaries. We teach 5 lessons a day so we are always occupied and with the spirit. This mission really makes you a teacher like Jesus Christ. 

This week I have learned many things in the Book of Mormon. I remember that I forgot to tell you that I had an experience that was really cool in my last area.

When I was on a work visit about 5 months ago me and another Elder went to go teach an investigator that only knows how to speak German and a little Spanish. It was such a neat experience to teach him which was a little hard and testify to him. At the end of the lesson we asked him if he could say a prayer. He said sure but we asked him so say it in German. I've never heard such a unique prayer. He could of just been fooling with us but he asked if the Book of Mormon was true. I know that we planted something in his heart that later on in his life he will be able to accept it.

This coming week is the anoguration, don't know how to spell anymore haha. too much Spanish, of the Trujillo Temple. We will be able to go to the stake center and watch the inauguration. It's going to be a wonderful experience.

We will see what happens but thanks for your support and for your prayers. May the Lord be with you guys till we talk again. Dont worry todays my preparation day. We are going to watch meet the Mormons and play soccer.

Talk to you soon.

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