
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

May 18, 2015

Hey family!!!!

Hows life over their in California?
Especially its summertime. I cant believe I has been a year since I finished school. Travis told me he finished his first year in college. I cant believe its going by so fast.

This week has been a fantastic week for me and my companion Elder Galindo.
We are working really well together and everything is working out. This week we talked to a total of 76 people on the street and knocking houses like crazy. It was a true blessing and inspiration to know that the Lord has people ready for us. Also that want to know the truth and are hungry to find the peace and quiet feeling in their homes.

This week I would like to share you an experience I had while knocking a door. One morning me and my companion decided that we were going to talk to 30 people. It was a big goal to reach but not impossible. While we were walking I got inspired to knock on a door or contact a whole street. Since my companion is new he gets scared at times to knock so he waits for me to contact first.

As i was about to knock on the door. A man opened the door and he was about to leave. We presented ourselves as representatives of Jesus Christ. Out of no where he told us to enter.

Usually when you knock on a door they close it behind them or just open a little. As we walked in there was his brother that was cleaning the house a little. His name is Anderson we started to present ourselves and asked him is he could join us. He sat down and his brother that opened the door started to tell me a little about his brother Anderson. He told us he has an addiction to drinking.

After we offered a prayer in their home. We heard Anderson's story and in his own words he said "I want to change but I cant" In that very moment I felt the spirit strongly and told him "Yes you can". He looked at me with tears in his eyes. I had the opportunity of testifying of our savior Jesus Christ and what he did for us. Also about his resurrection. The spirit was strong in the room and words flew out of my mouth. He payed attention the whole lesson with him about the plan of salvation.

Afterwards, we invited him to go with us to church and he said yes...Yesterday we went to go pick him up and he went with us to church. It was such a testimony builder for me to know that if I wasn't there in that very moment I might have lost that soul in the eyes of God.

Like the sons of Mosiah couldn't stand seeing one soul perish. I cant support seeing that either in the future.

I know this church is true and I love being here and helping other come unto Christ. We are planning on having 2 baptisms this Saturday. Ill send you the pictures next week.

Ill talk to you next week.

Elder Parra

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