This week was interesting and exciting at the same time. There's been ups and
downs but I know for a fact that the Lord never does anything unless its
for the benefit of the world.
2 Nephi 26:24
24 He doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world; for he loveth the world, even that he layeth down his own life that he may draw all men unto him.Wherefore,
he commandeth none that they shall not partake of his salvation.
so blessed for my Savior Jesus Christ and his atonement. His atonement
literally saved all man kind and has brought salvation to all his
children here on earth and everywhere.
weeks I have noticed that I haven't been sad for one second. Sometimes I
got frustrated but never got sad or mad. I really wondered and pondered
why I was so happy? This happiness only comes to those who do something specific just like Ammon said to us in Alma 27:17-18
17 Now
the joy of Ammon was so great even that he was full; yea, he was
swallowed up in the joy of his God, even to the exhausting of his
strength; and he fell again to the earth.
18 Now
was not this exceeding joy? Behold, this is joy which none receiveth
save it be the truly penitent and humble seeker of happiness.
one receives this joy unless the one who truly repententh unto the Lord and trust in the Lord with all thine heart. HE has really blessed
me through out my whole mission and I have seen his had in my life. I
thank him ever night and when I open my heart to him. The holy ghost
confirms it to me he's there. My conversations with him have been more
clear more precise and I know that he is my best friend.
Like Joseph Smith in Doctrine and Covenants 93:45 Truly the Lord is our friend when we are loyal to him.
45 Verily, I say unto my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., or in other words, I will call you friends, for you are my friends,and ye shall have an
inheritance with me—
you were right. You are my best friend and God is our best friend also.
I love this gospel so much and really now I understand what it means to
be a loyal servant to him. We should always smile in this life no
matter what like Jesus said always "Ten buen animo" or in other words
"Be of good cheer" If Jesus said it and he was perfect which I know he's
perfect than he said it for a reason.
week is going to even better and I know it. We are planning to have 2
baptisms on the 23rd of this month. Thanks for your prayers and I'm
always praying for you mom and dad. Love you guys so much.
will see what happens this week. Every week is different and
exciting!!! Oh also I felt a little earthquake which was awesome haha
but don't worry its all good here in Peru haha.
Talk to you later.
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